Sunday, December 24, 2006

Ooh, Malawi!

Malawi is supposed to be the poorest country on Earth, yet it looks cleaner and tidier than either Kenya or Tanzania. I guess it just means that the ruling elite are a little poorer, as on the ground it seems to make bugger all difference.

Zanzibar is a beautiful place, but only on the beaches. Everything else is just dispiritingly dirty, run down and poor. It was quite surprising to find that the concept of 'civic pride', or even 'community' seems to have passed the place by - it was a land of everyone for themselves and bugger everyone else; it seemed like a place where the only aim in life is to get as much money out of white people as possible. Rubbish.

Racing against the clock as this place is closing but we're at Kande Beach in Malawi for Chrimbo, which has ace sunsets. Christmas tomorrow and Secret Santa. All is well here...

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