Friday, January 05, 2007

Old friends, new friends and pictures

This'll be a quick post, I think, as I'm meeting up with a guy I met last night who lives here; he's going to show me round a bit and introduce me to his friends. This may or may not be a good thing, but I have to try. Yeaterday I wandered into town and had a look at my old office on Long Street, which is conveniently where it all 'happens' - where we're going tonight. I wound up in a really nice cafe called Afro which had really friendly staff who looked after me all night. I talked to the owner Marinda who was telling me about the pros and cons of working and living here.

Earlier on in the day I'd wandered into an estate agent's and chatted to Veronica who's going to show me a couple of places tomorrow. I'd like to live and work here, but I don't know how feasible it is, but somewhere to live is part of the equation, so I'll go and have a looksee.

I slept in today as I had rather a lot of beer last night, but all is well. I had lunch at a Thai place just over the road from my pad (white building on the right). Nice, but for Cape Town, very expensive. It cost me nearly eight pounds for Pad Thai and a coke.
Finally got hold of Simon who I worked with in 1989 - we're meeting on Monday evening for drinks at the Waterfront. I'm really looking forward to seeing him, finding out what he's been up to and what his take is on living here. The view of the mountain from the waterfront; rubbish isn't it?

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