Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Flat tyres and a head of Steam

It's Tuesday evening and I still haven't tidied up. My inactivity isn't getting to me just yet, as I have done useful things today, not the least of which was getting two new tyres for the car, one because I had a puncture, and one because there was only 2mm of tread left. Must be all those emergency starts. Been trying to sort my phone out too. I had to give them the exact time and circumstances when it bust. It was like filling in a bloody police report. "So where were you when you noticed that it was broken?" "In the back of a truck" "Was it moving?" "Yes" "And were you sitting on the bed of the truck?" "No, I was sitting on a seat" "What kind of seat was it?" And so it goes on. Can you just please send me a new phone without asking my fucking inside leg measurements? And get this, I get a new phone, just a new phone. Not a new battery or charger. Just the phone. How bloody tedious. And when the guy drops it off tomorrow I have to give him my old fucked one. Can't I have it so I can get all the data off it? No. Aargh. Fucking officious idiots.

One thing that I have sorted out is my media player thingy. Basically I bought a DVD player with a few extras - as well as the DVD tray, it has an SD card slot for photo viewing and most importantly I can hook it up to my PC, so I can listen to all the tunes I have on my hard drive and watch all the films I have on it too. But as is usual with these kind of things, it only works properly intermittently, although I thought I'd sorted it by downloading new software... but now it can't find my PC at all. Grr.

Guess I'm not in the mood to be funny today. There are some interesting looking girls on the dating site, but I'm not in the mood to contact them either. What I'd really like to do is watch My Name is Earl on my media player thing. Bugger.

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