Friday, August 17, 2007


I'm caught between continuing my routine of sleeping and sleeping, and doing something constructive. Caught, as in stuck, paralysed. And I end up getting stressed and making no decision, which means I sleep. Everyone has their own reaction to stressful thoughts, feelings and situations; some redouble their efforts, some get violent, some turn to drink. I get tired. It's an unconscious reaction. Of course, it's down to me as to how I respond to the tiredness, whether I bat it away, or let it take hold and wash over me, let myself slip into a blissful doze, free of physicality, only limited by my imagination. The most healthy and useful reaction for me naturally, is to fight and come out the other side, get on with my life, but the one time when my moral compass is off, the one time when I make really poor decisions is when I'm tired. And when I wake up (I don't just mean being awake here) I always, without exception, regret having slept so long. Why didn't I just get up? Life would have been so much easier if I'd only got out of bed and say, gone to work, or failing that, called work to say I couldn't make it. But each time I fail to do the thing that is best for me. I'm stuck in a loop.

And I like it.

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