Monday, October 19, 2009


Haven't posted anything here for so long; this I think is a metaphor for my life. I resist doing stuff until I'm 100% convinced it's exactly what I want to do, which invariably means doing 4/5ths of 3/8ths of fuck all. On the occasions when I damn the torpedoes of indecision and just write/do stuff I generally find it rather satisfying. Quickly followed by 'you should do that more often' kind of thoughts.

So, my intention was to come here and merely blow away the cobwebs and show my blog some love, but then I go and start being all thoughtful and shit. Fuck this, I'm off to do nothing again.

1 comment:

Nelviticus said...

Well you don't want to rush into things. I find that the best time to do something is just after it's too late.